I am a horrible blogger. Especially because I want to start a new blog. But don't new blogs just turn out to be like the old ones?
I'm excited for the future- finally. Ready to move on, and embrace new things.
But in the mean time, here's what I've been up to lately.
1. In September (or October?) we received our new couch!
2. Htown freeways.
3. Painting on Thanksgiving break with the boy.
4. View from the balcony.
5. Only the creepiest picture ever.
6. One of our friends' ingenious uses for his new college ring.
7. Waiting for baby Meredith to make it to the world.
8. Traffic.
9. Christmas time with brown wrapping paper and glitter.
2. Cycling at home while watching Bones.
3. Seeing alligators at State Parks.
4. Eye see you.
5. Couple shot!
6. Bike riding in the freeeeeezing cold weather.
7. Starting a new book. :)
8. Atlas the bear. He wakes up in funny positions every morning.
9. My new coat, with a fun hood.
2. Htown freeways.
3. Painting on Thanksgiving break with the boy.
4. View from the balcony.
5. Only the creepiest picture ever.
6. One of our friends' ingenious uses for his new college ring.
7. Waiting for baby Meredith to make it to the world.
8. Traffic.
9. Christmas time with brown wrapping paper and glitter.
1. The boy showing me another way to wear my cowl.
2. Just hangin upside down, no big deal.
3. The official Caramel Cake from 'The Help'.
4. Baby Meredith is here!
5. Finished Cutting for Stone. 4/5 stars for amazing writing. Not my number one field of interest though.
6. Oh hey baby Olivia. Nieces comin out from everywhere!
7. Game night! Quelf!
8. Drawing the boy. Teeth are hard.
9. Also game night...
1. I skype with ugly faces when no one can see me.2. Cycling at home while watching Bones.
3. Seeing alligators at State Parks.
4. Eye see you.
5. Couple shot!
6. Bike riding in the freeeeeezing cold weather.
7. Starting a new book. :)
8. Atlas the bear. He wakes up in funny positions every morning.
9. My new coat, with a fun hood.
Cute pictures! =) X
haha, i've started 3 blogs in the past 5 years. WHOOPS. i say, go for it!