It's 2am

..and I just finished (somewhat) studying for my genetics exam tomorrow morning. I'll most likely be waking up in a good eight hours to review before the test. Something is wrong with me. I'm totally not stressed at all in my mind, but my body doesn't understand that. I feel like I'm on the verge of hysteria. Does this happen to anyone else? I think stress just popped in to say hello and happened to leave behind some baggage. Thanks. And it's even weirder because, since I'll be changing my major, this class won't even really count towards my GPA (or at least the one that counts). I don't think I'm going to fail it, but seriously body, get with it. Nothing's wrong. Life is grand. So, please stop pushing me to the verge of tears especially while I'm watching (completely unemotional) glee episodes during my study breaks. It's weird!....

So, I'll just leave you with some photoshop fun... to make this post relevant... yep.

Top: Me and my friend Ashley a couple years ago on one of our picnics. We were so chill.
Bottom: Took this picture with the purpose of playing with photoshop. My eyelashes look eerily long. But, yay, holidays!

Thanks for all of your good luck wishes! So far I've done pretty okay. Two exams to go!


  1. I love what you did with both photos, especially that first one. I have photoshop CS5 but I'm no good at it yet. How'd you do that first one?I love it!

  2. Oooooh baby girl, we're in the same boat. The 2 classes I'm stressin about won't really effect me. UGH. It just makes me not want to do the finals at all.


  3. good luck on your exams and i really love these photographs!

  4. Those photographs are beautiful!

  5. Ohh I feel you on the stress situation. It's like when I have a test coming up I get stressed even if I have no real reason to. Good luck on your tests :)

  6. I'm sure you ROCKED your exam!!! I feel ya though and being chill about stuff then freaking out because you are chill haha... Oh, to be a college female :)

    Your pictures are simply lovely!

  7. These are GORGEOUS photos! Good luck with your exams! :)

  8. I love, love, LOVE that photo of you two sitting on the side of the lake!

  9. Gorgeous pictures sweetie,great wee blog!
