It's Holiday Time... almost.

Four finals and I'm done with the semester. I can't tell you how excited I am for next semester. I get to take non-math and non-science classes! (That's all I took the past 3 semesters..). I'm hoping to get a job over Christmas Break (only because I have to have a job in order to get a puppy for my birthday. Goals, people, goals.). I love this feeling that is consuming me lately. I can do whatever I want. Obviously within reason. But it's really just applying to me scholastically. But, besides that. I'm dreading December 28th. My best friend is leaving me for three weeks! My best friend also being my boyfriend. For those of you who think three weeks isn't that long of a time.... oh, your time will come. (I'm joking, but seriously). Anyhow, I'll survive as I have the past bazillion times he's left me. One day I will join him on his three week long journey, and I won't have to wait around at boring ol' home. One day.

So today, I came home and my mom and I decided to make our own ornaments for our still disassembled Christmas tree. We used this DIY by Erika of Oops I Craft my Pants. It was fun, and easy, and very holiday-spirited!
We painted ornaments, and then dipped them in glitter to give them a little sparkle. 

Lizzie wasn't too sure about our abilities.

Happy Happy Holidays and good luck with finals for those of you who have them!!


  1. Aw how fun Abbey! I want to decorate ornaments for with my mom. And 3 weeks is a long time. Just stick out your tongue at people who say otherwise ;)

    I have all of those books on my list! And I don't really have time to read. Just to listen while I do projects. Luckily I don't have to "study" much.

    And I'm excited that you get to take non science/math classes! Yahoo!

  2. what!? I want to make some ornaments too!

    I know! Lab reports are so stupid they should ban them >:(

  3. Hi Abbey i never tried to decorate christmasballs :D but iĺl try it. Your deco came out really beautifuly :) and that 3 weeks are going to pass so´ll see :))

  4. Neat idea! Your cat looks like mine, ahh I wish they could meet!
