
Besides watching bad TV shows (well, some of them are good... i swear), I've found myself delving into reading and writing more. I started War and Peace, but then I saw Anna & The french kiss on sale for two bucks last Sunday. So... I bought it. I haven't read a purely "romance" book in a looooooonnggg time. But it was cute, and fun, and light. So I got lola and the boy next door which is of a similar theme. Really cute books, and I finished them almost incredibly fast. So on that note, I ventured over to B&N a couple days ago and spent my Christmas/Graduation gift cards up on a couple different books! So far I've only read The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight. I enjoyed it too! It wasn't purely about a boy, but rather a father/daughter relationship. Which was nice! Yay sentimentality! The next books I'm about to read are not light. Hullo Jane Eyre, I'm lookin' at you. I'm excited to read it because I never have before! Then I can watch the movie that has the girl from alice in wonderland, whom i love.

Enough book talk. Wait. Is there ever enough book talk? I don't think there is. I went on a book talk bender on the way to galveston last weekend with my friend who is reading books I've already read. I suddenly realized that I haven't gotten to talk about them at all because I don't know anyone else reading right now! What! Everyone is still stuck on game of thrones books, I feel like. CATCH UP TO ME, FRIENDS!

kadios :)


  1. I hate waiting for people to finish books I've already read! All I want to do is talk about them NON STOP but I have no-one to talk with, haha!

  2. awesome book finds! ill be purchasing some on your list. thanks


  3. That's great you've been reading more! I wish I had a book to pass along... but I haven't read anything outside of school for a long time!

  4. Your blog is darling. I just followed you!
