On Turning 24 & Back in Houston

I turned 24 nearly two months ago now, back when I was in Auckland in the midst of our short film shoot. Every year I dread the upcoming birthday. I'm the baby of the family and all of my friends, so maybe I have some sort of young complex. But this year, amongst break-ups and new friends and new places and perspective changes, I found myself looking forward to 24.

I'm in the midst of job searching and finding myself in Houston again. I'm updating my resume and my CV and finding it hard to be professional while talking about myself. I want to tell them that I am the girl who was terrified to drive on the left side of the road, but did it anyway, and was rewarded with the most incredible coastal views of New Zealand. I am the girl who broke up with a boy after 7 years and turned out just fine. I am the girl who bungy jumped, and rode horses, and hiked through New Zealand's south island with my best friend. I am the girl whose no longer afraid of traveling alone. I am the girl who was terrified of coming home and having to face reality, but whose been here a week and is surrounded by incredibly supportive people and is having a relatively easy time adjusting to a new life. I am the girl whose no longer afraid of being cheesy.

Because this is cheesy, and I'm doing it anyways.

I'm not sure how to incorporate this into my relevant experience, but I'm sure going to try. ;)

So here's to my 24th year. So far my goals are to find a job that inspires me, to learn guitar, to make new friends (but keep the old- you know how the girl scout saying goes), to join a new church, to get my own place, to travel again, and to stay healthy and feeling whole.

I think it's going to be a good year.


To see my 23rd year post- click here

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